Landscaping Portfolio
Knock-Na-Cree Road Dalkey, Co. Dublin
087 6099201

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Clients: A couple with regular visits from their children and grandchildren.

Brief: The clients were looking for a fully landscaped garden that accommodates adult entertaining and space for their grandchildren to run around and play. The landscaping design was created by Tim Austen.


  • Creation of a new driveway - using steel edging as a border, loose stone and cobble at the entrance.
  • Building of concrete steps.
  • Creation of an area for bins, cladded in Teak wood for aesthetics.
  • Creation of a new lawn area which included stepping stones.
  • Fencing was erected using a steel frame and then cladded in Larch timber.

We worked closely with Robert Bourke Architects on this project, see their website here.

This house has been nominated for Best House in the RIAI awards 2020.

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